Nagasaki Archive

Nagasaki Archive is the web content to tell the world the reality of the atomic bomb on interactive archive of the digital globe.

Nagasaki Archive provides a lot of photos and experiences of survivors in 3D using with digital globe "Google Earth". You can see photos from the same angle they were taken 65 years ago, and also you click the portrait of survivors to read their experiences and wishes assosiated with the actual location they were exposed to A - bomb. (The experience stories of six people are translated into English now. Other stories are displayed in Japanese.)

In addition, we displays photos of the current Nagasaki so that you intuitively understand how this city subsequently achieved the reconstruction across time and space.

Nagasaki Archive is produced under the supervision of Nagasaki Shimbunsha. Please refer to Nagasaki Peace Site. And photographs and map of 1945 are provided by the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum and University of Texas Libraries. The data of destroyed areas are provided by Nagsasaki University Graduate school of Biomedical Sciences.

Videos of testimonies are provided by the executive committee of the “The 10,000 High School Students Signatures Campaign”.

Nagasaki Archive is long-term project to proceed. We will work on this project continuously with collecting data.

MapData: © OpenStreetMap contributors